Sunday, January 18, 2004 |
Sunday, September 29, 2002 |
Tuesday, June 18, 2002 |
EarthLink's Passwords Are Naked. EarthLink's practice of allowing service reps to see customers' passwords could be exposing subscribers to a range of security threats. By Brian McWilliams. [Wired News]
9:29:18 PM
Friday, April 05, 2002 |
Judges Blast Library Filtering.
"Predicting how a court will rule is always a dangerous sport, but if the judges' comments are any indication, CIPA's continued existence is as likely as a President Al Gore in 2004.
'We're stuck right in the heart of the First Amendment when we're talking about libraries,' said Third Circuit Court of Appeals Chief Judge Edward Becker, who heads the special three-judge panel that a nervous Congress created to hear legal challenges to CIPA.
Whichever way the ruling goes, the case will be appealed directly to the U.S. Supreme Court." [Wired News]
Watch for a decision some time next month. [The Shifted Librarian]
7:33:30 PM
No Subscription for Spam Relief. It's probably not true that responding to spam with a request to stop sending spam will result in more spam, but spam experts still say it's not a good idea. By Joanna Glasner. [Wired News]
7:31:52 PM
Sunday, March 31, 2002 |
AvantGo Removes Limits on Custom Channels. Lori is on the ball yet again! She picks up the following encouraging news from PalmInfocenter:
"Last month, AvantGo announced a new policy under which it limited the number of subscribers to custom channels to just eight people for each channel. It has now discarded this policy and announced a new one. AvantGo will still limit access to some custom channels but the company will look at each channel individually before making a decision on it. Channels that become popular by word of mouth will not be restricted. Channels that advertise for subscribers and offer products or services for sale will need to sign a contract with AvantGo.
However, AvantGo will still require an agreement for all channels with more than 1,000 subscribers. The owners of these channels will be notified when they reach the limit."
I'm glad they're seeing the problem with thinking they could cut off everyone that can't afford $1000 to pay them for a channel. I would like to see this company succeed, especially now that they're back in touch with their user base.[The Shifted Librarian]
7:44:12 AM
Friday, March 29, 2002 |
Thursday, March 28, 2002 |
eBay security draws scrutiny. The online auction giant doesn't encrypt much of the data sent between customers' computers and eBay's servers, which may be an open invitation to hackers, security experts say. [CNET News.com]
8:41:10 PM
Online Journalism Review: Preparing for the Coming Era of Participatory News. Today, those forces unfold at the speed of a click. They create new media, new freedoms, and new stories. We tend to overlook their role in the society we have created and the future we are inventing. Ours is a future of stories ... of stories and clicks. [Tomalak's Realm]
6:15:08 PM
IBM introduces intranet services. Big Blue introduces a new unit of its Global Services business aimed at helping companies set up Web portals that let their employees, customers and suppliers find information and perform tasks. [CNET News.com]
6:03:53 PM
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