TechNews : Technology-related stories that don't belong in a sub-category of their own.
Updated: 01/18/2004; 9:51:45 PM.




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Sunday, January 18, 2004

Quit wasting the internet now!


9:50:33 PM    

Sunday, August 04, 2002

This is quite an expensive upgrade...

Mac OS 10.2, $82,402.02

In case they fix it, here is a screenshot:

Via TooMuchSexy.Org

10:13:23 PM    

Tuesday, June 18, 2002

EarthLink's Passwords Are Naked. EarthLink's practice of allowing service reps to see customers' passwords could be exposing subscribers to a range of security threats. By Brian McWilliams. [Wired News]
9:29:18 PM    

Saturday, April 06, 2002

Amen, Brother...Lawrence is cool.

BTW, to the people who say UserLand never helps its users, I gotta say this. They must not know Lawrence. Raise your hand if Lawrence Lee has helped you get past some kind of problem. He does such excellent work, he's so steady and smart, and helps so many people, and it's as if he didn't exist to some.   [Scripting News]

12:39:37 AM    

Friday, April 05, 2002

EchoStar pulls out of satellite Net access. The company is backing out of its satellite-based Internet access business in what many see as a tactic to pressure U.S. regulators to approve its proposed takeover of Hughes Electronics. [CNET]
7:46:07 PM    

Hotmail back on track after glitch. update Microsoft says a partial outage of the Web-based e-mail service's servers delayed or prevented some people from logging in to their accounts. [CNET]
7:44:17 PM    

Hotmail glitch shuts out users. The problem blocks access or causes long log-in delays in the Web-based e-mail service. Microsoft attributes the partial outage to a Hotmail server error. [CNET]
7:39:46 PM    

Dell Says Hewlett Merger Is Opening Doors. Michael Dell said that his company had benefited from the uncertainty among customers about the effect of Hewlett-Packard's planned purchase of Compaq Computer. By Steve Lohr. [New York Times: Business]
4:36:40 AM    

Sunday, March 31, 2002

Doctor, Programmer ...Basically, we are a group of enthusiastic doctors who wrote a medical textbook for junior doctors / medical students , and have made it freely available for all handheld platforms. Our model is the open source movement...Via Lori Bell at [The Handheld Librarian]
8:14:44 AM    

Enlisting the Cellphone to Send Laptop E-Mail. Can I connect my laptop to the Internet with my cellphone to send and receive e-mail? By J.d. Biersdorfer. [New York Times: Technology]
7:54:04 AM    

AT&T and Comcast Commit to Choice of Internet Providers. WASHINGTON (Reuters) - Comcast Corp. (CMCSK.O) and AT&T Broadband (T.N), cable operators seeking federal approval to combine, have committed to offer consumers a choice of high-speed Internet service providers (ISPs) via cable lines, documents revealed on Friday. By Reuters. [New York Times: Technology]
7:52:42 AM    

AvantGo Removes Limits on Custom Channels.

Lori is on the ball yet again! She picks up the following encouraging news from PalmInfocenter:

"Last month, AvantGo announced a new policy under which it limited the number of subscribers to custom channels to just eight people for each channel. It has now discarded this policy and announced a new one. AvantGo will still limit access to some custom channels but the company will look at each channel individually before making a decision on it. Channels that become popular by word of mouth will not be restricted. Channels that advertise for subscribers and offer products or services for sale will need to sign a contract with AvantGo.

However, AvantGo will still require an agreement for all channels with more than 1,000 subscribers. The owners of these channels will be notified when they reach the limit."

I'm glad they're seeing the problem with thinking they could cut off everyone that can't afford $1000 to pay them for a channel. I would like to see this company succeed, especially now that they're back in touch with their user base.[The Shifted Librarian]
7:44:12 AM    

Friday, March 29, 2002

A Tracking System That Calls Balls and Strikes. A new system for showing the path of pitches is bringing a bit of military intelligence to the ball field. By David F. Gallagher. [New York Times: Technology]
7:43:08 AM    

Amateur Radio Packet Over 802.11 Cards [Slashdot: News for nerds, stuff that matters]
7:40:26 AM    

Segway auctions close on Amazon. Three lucky consumers will have the chance to be among the first to own a Segway Human Transporters, but they may each have to pay a pretty price for it. [CNET]
7:39:09 AM    

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