Obscure : If the site makes ya think, where does Jim find these sites?!?!?...it belongs here.
Updated: 03/31/2002; 8:20:37 PM.




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Sunday, March 24, 2002

I noticed a scan by Google of my blog server log and went there to see what they scooped up. By searching by my name, I found a post from 2000.

Google has archived a post to a question on a message board of what I ate during a weekend in April, 2000. Yummy memories.
3:20:10 PM    

From the 'Anything You Can Do Women Can Do Better' Department

Women browse the web better than men? Hmmmm, reminds me of an email I got from a former co-worker a few weeks ago about the differences between men and women processing images. I hope it wasn't an off-shoot of the same research project. The web-browsing story is from [MetaFilter]
2:36:07 PM    

Robot with a press pass? [CNN]
10:03:33 AM    

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