Programming : Whether programming for the web, the desktop or the AS/400 (or all 3), find tips and news here.
Updated: 03/31/2002; 8:21:42 PM.




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Tuesday, March 26, 2002

McNealy: Don't let Microsoft steal the Net. Programmers are on the front lines in the battle to keep Microsoft from taking over the standards that underlie the Internet, Sun Chief Executive Scott McNealy tells the loyalists at JavaOne. [CNET]
8:31:52 PM    

Web developers wary of AOL switch. If the service replaces its browser technology, it could send tremors through the ranks of Web site developers who mostly write their sites to work with one browser: Internet Explorer. [CNET]
8:31:17 PM    

Webmonkey >. MySQL and transactions... via PHP Everywhere [techno weenie]
8:29:44 PM    

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