Thursday, March 28, 2002 |
Online Journalism Review: Preparing for the Coming Era of Participatory News. Today, those forces unfold at the speed of a click. They create new media, new freedoms, and new stories. We tend to overlook their role in the society we have created and the future we are inventing. Ours is a future of stories ... of stories and clicks. [Tomalak's Realm]
6:15:08 PM
Jon Udell's first essay on Instant Outlining. As always, Jon cuts right to the core. "It's not about XML, or HTTP, or outlining. It's about people evolving to the point where they publish what they're doing, and subscribe to what other people are doing, in just the right proportions, so that there's maximum awareness of shared purpose but minimal demand on the scarce resource of attention." I would only disagree with the statement that it's not about outlining. I think it is. For a variety of reasons, which I'll write about when I get some time. [Scripting News]
6:09:24 PM
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